Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Proton Defensive Driving 2011

Theory Session

Practical session


Braking & Demo Session

The Distribute of Certificates (Session)

Actually this post has lasted from the year 2011, but we will inform our activities with our clients we have done in the last year. Wishing in 2012 get an awesome year ahead.



  1. Usually, Driving Schools A to Z teach all techniques to avoid mishaps and deal with any situation effectively. Car dynamics, skid avoidance, accident avoidance, and much more are all taught and practiced at these schools.

    Driving Schools A to Z

  2. “Traditional driver-training programs that aim to improve vehicle-handling skills, including maneuvering exercises and skid training, have tended to be relatively ineffective in reducing crashes. In fact, the introduction of skid training into driver-training programs has been found to increase certain crash types for young drivers. This has been attributed to associated increases in confidence that resulted in greater risk-taking...”

    T.M. Senserrick & G.C. Swinburne (Monash Univ., Australia) 2001

  3. Research say defensive driving is not about teaching techniques like skid pan training or learning to swerve at the last minute to avoid an obstacle. Why? Because these techniques commonly make drivers even more over-confident than they are beforehand. They create a subconscious attitude, for example, that "It doesn't matter even if I do get into a skid because I know how to deal with it!" But on today's busy and sometimes narrow roads there is often neither the time nor the space to correct a skid or to swerve to avoid one thing without the risk of hitting something else, precisely because of that swerve.
    Katila A, Keskinen E, Hatakka M. Department of Psychology, Univ. of Turku, Findland
